Our website uses so-called "cookies." Cookies are small information files that are temporarily or permanently stored on your computer or device by the server of a website via the browser and that simplify, complete and personalize the use of the website.

All cookies on our website our anonymous: no personal data are being stored or transferred to third parties.

Description of cookies on this website

This website uses different types of cookies:

Necessary functional cookies

These cookies are indispensable to visit the website and use all functionalities. If the use of cookies is disabled, some parts of the website will not optimally work.

Performance analysis cookies

The Port of Ostend uses performance and analysis cookies to gather general information about the way visitors use its website. Statistical analyses can be made of the information collected in this way. These statistics provide the Port of Ostend with an insight into how often its web pages are visited, on which page visitors spend the most time, etc. This enables the Port of Ostend to make and improve the structure, navigation and content of its website as user-friendly as possible.

_ga, _gat en _gid are the Google Analytical cookies where we can follow up visitor data.

_hjid, _hjptid are Hotjar cookies to analyse visitors behavior on the website. 

Social media cookies

The website of the Port of Ostend can contain so-called embedded elements of third parties. For example, it concerns videos that are stored with another party, but which are shown on, in or via our website. Furthermore, the content on this website can be shared via buttons via social media. This can make it possible for social media to place cookies via the website of the Port of Ostend and to collect data via this website. For this we refer to the statements that these parties give on their own websites: Facebook, Google + / Youtube, LinkednIn, Twitter. Note that these statements can change regularly.

We do not receive personal data in any way.

Permission from the visitor

Before any data is stored on your computer and cookies are installed, you will receive a warning when you open the website asking for your permission. If you refuse these cookies, you will have access to the website of the Port of Ostend, but your browser will work more slowly or you will have difficulty or no access to certain parts of the website.

At any time you can withdraw your consent and refuse the installation of cookies on your computer or their use on the website, and / or delete them by changing the settings of your browser.

Disable cookies

If you do not want to install cookies on your computer, you can disable the installation of cookies at any time or delete the saved cookies by changing the security settings of your web browser.

More information can be found under "Options", via the help function of your browser or via the links below.

Through the following links you can disable cookies or delete cookies that are installed on different browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Internet Explorer 9
  • Internet Explorer 7 and 8
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari

More information can be found at: http://aboutcookies.org/

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